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Pink Blush
COLOR TREND – Every month, Goodmoods deciphers the color of the moment, the one that arouses curiosity and sets the tone for creation.
Sometimes greedy and tempting, sometimes romantic and futuristic, sometimes textured and woven… The Pink Blush charms the creation with more innocence and purity than the previous seasons.
Its alter ego, the Millennial Pink, has already turned everything upside down on its way: men dress in pastels just like women and designers’ collections as well as contemporary interiors see life in Pink Blush… Immersion in a world full of nuances and carefree.
La vie en rose
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Sofa module "Weber"
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Lola Mayeras
Lampe "Globe"
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New Tendency
"Meta" Table
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Joanna Laura Constantine
Earrings "Waves"
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Andrés Resinger pour Moooi
"Hortensia" Armchair
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"Raw" oversized sweater
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Fanny Olas